The High Point of Your Day: East Coast Cannabis Dispensary

Once upon a time, in the quaint little town of Lebanon, Maine, someone had a dream. A dream of dolphins wearing sunglasses. A dream of sandwiches that taste like sunshine. No, wait, that’s not right. They dreamt about opening Lebanon’s go-to spot for recreational and medicinal cannabis. That’s better. And thus, East Coast Cannabis was born!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dispensary

As soon as you step through the door, our warm and welcoming staff will make you feel like family. Imagine a bakery, but instead of various pastries, it’s a smorgasbord of top-tier Cannabis products. From Blue Dream to Granddaddy Purple, we got ’em all. Need some advice? Our staff are experts in all things cannabis, not pie. Unless it’s made with cannabis. In that case, we’re twice the experts!

Elevate Your Health and Your Spirit

On top of being Lebanon’s one-stop-shop for recreational use, East Coast Cannabis doubles as a medical marijuana dispensary. Our knowledgeable team is here to help guide our patients to their ideal medicinal strains. Bottom line, who knew the path to well-being smelled so good?

A trip to East Coast Cannabis is not just a dispensary run; it’s a therapeutic and invigorating journey. Now who’s ready for some sunshine sandwiches?